
As you know online reviews are extremely important for businesses like mine. It would really help me, and others in the area make an informed decision when seeking dietary services.

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Vanessa Stinson

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 6 months ago

Kayla has helped me tremendously along my fitness journey giving me nutrition guidance and making me an amazing meal plan to help me hit the appropriate macros to achieve my fitness goals! Nutrition has always been an area I struggle with and has held me back from where I want to be with my fitness, but Kayla has helped me create sustainable healthy nutrition habits and I have seen great results! Kayla is a caring, trustworthy, and respectful dietitian and I highly recommend her! She is an amazing dietitian!

Amanda Walsh

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 6 months ago

I recently had the pleasure of working with Kayla and she is fantastic! She is able to provide practical and easy to follow tips, tricks, and tools, throughout my journey. She creates a friendly, caring, and open environment making it effortlessly to be open and honest without judgement. Kayla's knowledge and support were vital on my journey to a healthier lifestyle. HIGHLY recommend!

Laura Velcoff

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 8 months ago

If you're seeking a registered dietitian with expertise in IBS, look no further than Kayla. She's a true professional, and I'm incredibly grateful for the positive changes she's brought into my life. Her guidance has been instrumental in helping me manage my IBS symptoms. It's been a game-changer to almost eliminate those discomforts from my life. What sets Kayla apart is her genuine care and commitment to her clients. She listens attentively and tailors her advice to your unique needs. Her positivity and encouragement have made this journey to better health so enjoyable! Thank you, Kayla!

Eric Oeuff

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 10 months ago

Cannot say enough good things about Kayla and unified nutrition. I’ve struggled with a healthy diet that works for me due to side effects from medications. Kayla was the first dietician I’ve met with that really understood my needs/goals and obstacles in the way. She was able to provide a solid plan and weekly check-ins to keep me accountable. It’s completely changed my relationship with food and, for that, I’ll always be extremely grateful.