Privacy Policy

Unified Nutrition has implemented the following Privacy Policy.

We are dedicated to maintaining the privacy of every individual who visits our website.

Information Collection and Utilization Strategies

We receive personal information provided voluntarily by visitors through forms on our site. Clients are asked to provide their name, phone number and e-mail address and is termed β€œclient information”. Unified Nutrition may additionally ask for your feedback to follow-up with you, such as sending you marketing communications as chosen by you. No third parties will ever gain access to your data. As part of the service deployment process, your personal information, such as your name, email, phone number, address, as well as any other information you provide, is uploaded into our secure servers. This process is performed in order to provide our services to you. This data is solely for use in responding to inquiries and providing product/service details to you.

Use of Information Collected

Your personal information may be used to send you information about products or services, to contact you, when necessary, in instances such as scheduling a first booking, upcoming booking reminders, to create and administer accounts, and to provide you with required assistance.

In the case of an internal audit, we may use your personal information to ensure our processes comply with legal, regulatory, or contractual requirements.

Confidentiality and Security

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, Unified Nutrition will keep your personal information private and will not share it with third parties, unless we believe in good faith that disclosure of your Personal Information or any other information we collect about you is necessary to: (a) comply with a court order or other legal process; (b) protect the rights, property or safety of our company or another party; (c) enforce our Terms and Conditions; or (d) respond to claims that any posting or other content violates the rights of third-parties.

Cookies and IP Addresses

As with many websites, ours utilizes cookies and log IP addresses to monitor visitor activity and understand how our website is being utilized by its visitors. This information allows us to tailor content more closely with what interests our audience.

We take the security of your personal information very seriously, and have implemented appropriate safeguards against unintended access or use.

Updates to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to alter this Privacy Policy at any time, with any revisions posted online and your continued usage indicating acceptance of its revised terms.

Contact Information

Should you have any inquiries or requests related to our Privacy Policy, please reach out.